REMEREG Network History
The REMEREG Euro-Mediterranean Network is based on
- The Mediterranean Association of Finance, Insurance, and Management (AMFAM)
- Association Law 1901, non-profit by law French
The REMEREG Network is made up of
- French Finance Association
- The Mediterranean Association of Finance, Insurance, and Management
- University of Poitiers, France
- University of Minho, Portugal
- University of Sfax, Tunisia - University of Lugano, Swiss
- Indian Institute of Finance, India
- Mediterranean University of Tunisia
- Badji Mohktar University of Annaba, Algeria
- Pierre Mendès France University of Grenoble, France
- FSEG, IHEC and ESSEC Tunis, Tunisia
- ECAM Strasbourg, France
- University of Toulon, France
- University of Nantes, France
History of the Mediterranean University
The private Mediterranean University of Tunisia was founded in 2004 in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Network for teaching and research in Technology-Economy-Technology and Management, REMEREG. She today includes UMLT Nabeul, UMLT Montplaisir Tunis, and Mediterranean Polytechnic School, Tunis, EPM. She today benefits from all its dynamics. This network brings together European public and private universities, North American and Tunisian. REMEREG and UM deliver state-accredited degrees. The growing success of training places them since 2005 among the most important in Tunisia.
The REMEREG network issues diplomas approved by the State of the first cycle with the title engineer and doctorate of the third cycle (by French partners) in Europe
Immediately operational, the University diploma meets the requirements of companies, banks, institutions of Mediterranean schools, and universities.
Each member university of the Euro-Mediterranean Network for teaching and research in technology-economy- Technologies and management, REMEREG, allows its students access to network resources and access databases research data like JSTOR, Datastream, Diane, etc.
The Benefits Of The Training System
- Modern pedagogical engineering based on smart and smart applications
- Training the engineers and managers of tomorrow
- Practice-oriented training that uses simultaneously IT, management, and studies essential case studies in micro and macroeconomics, international economics, accounting and finance, business economics, history of thought, quantitative technique, in English to guarantee them the best level of knowledge at this stage of their curriculum.
- A truly bi-disciplinary training in Economics and Management thanks to a consequent volume of the teaching of Management within three years of license.
- Great flexibility in the choice of materials to options to promote the development of profiles differentiated more adaptable to the specific demands of the labor market while leaving choices of specialties are made by the selection of options drawn in areas related to analysis.
Thanks to its close cooperation with universities of international scope like Cergy University Pontoise, Toulon, as well as the Euro-Mediterranean network for teaching and research in economics-technologies and management, REMEREG, made up of 12 public universities and private European, North American, and Tunisian and several other university structures and laboratories of regional research, it remains the only university in Tunisia, which enabled double masters courses professionals (almost 250 executives of the Financial system international have graduated)
By enrolling at the Mediterranean University, students will have the opportunity to benefit from the supervision of state-of-the-art scientific and educational eminent academic and professional teachers, studied prices as well as personalized assistance to guarantee good conditions of stay during the period of studies.