International Relations

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The bridge between the university and the economic sector at national and international levels is now a realistic objective, a challenge. The MIT strategy for the implementation of projects is promising. In this regard; several cooperation agreements have been signed with national companies and international universities. The partnership between University-corporations has become one of the themes priorities in a rapidly changing economic context. MIT desire to open up to the world is reflected today by signing several cooperation agreements with universities in several countries (France, India, Tunisia, etc ...). These agreements were designed to facilitate scientific exchanges. MIT aims to build exchange bridges of experience and skills but also the improvement teaching methods, boost scientific research, and build a solid and lasting cooperation network.

- MIT-Polytech a signé une convention en 2022 avec ELITE Canada pour permettre aux etudiants de continuer leurs etudes au Canada avec Emploi Garanti et possibilité de financement.
- MIT Polytech a signe aussi une convention en 2022 avec ELITE Innovation College UK, EICC pour permettre aux etudiants de continuer leurs etudes à Cambridge.


MIT has numerous academic partnership agreements: national and international. They cover a wide spectrum of fields of collaboration. Collaboration is ranging from the co-construction of diplomas to the preferential hiring of graduates from the university, to the mobility of teachers and the reception of trainees in diversified sectors such as industrial engineering, electrical, mechanical, civil engineering, and computer technologies, etc.

To Study Abroad

Mediterranean Institute of Tunisia, MIT Tunis will reinvent your life and help you materialize your dreams.

Option For A Double Degree

Our students have the opportunity to study (M1 in Tunisia M2 in Europe or Asia). The first years in MIT Tunis and continue their third year at one of the partner universities in Europe, Asia, and Canada.

International Diplomas

More than 10 partnership agreements between inter-university and several universities Europeans, Americans, and Canadians.


02 Variety of Certifications

Expand your career prospects with globally recognized certificates.

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03 International projects

The establishment of a skills framework and the interaction between the academic and professional world.

01 International degrees

Register for the Tunisian diploma and benefit from a diploma French and Canadian public with our partner


The Mediterranean University has many conventions national academic and professional partnerships and develops an active pedagogy and works closely in collaboration with associations and organizations professionals. Thus, it participates in the development of professions in the different disciplines within her group and she offers students participation in different programs professionals and above all recognition of networks professionals.


  • Organize visits for our students to companies
  • Present university training by sector activity
  • Investigate the departments concerned to identify their skills needs
  • Analyze and consolidate the company's needs in continuing education.
  • Develop specifications in collaboration with the company.
  • Evaluate our training and link them with the needs of the industrial world
  • Have high quality training in the different specialties.
  • Organize business days.
  • Facilitate the search for internships and PFEs for students.

See more images and videos about our international life

- MIT-Polytech a signé une convention en 2022 avec ELITE Canada pour permettre aux etudiants de continuer leurs etudes au Canada avec Emploi Garanti et possibilité de financement.
- MIT Polytech a signe aussi une convention en 2022 avec ELITE Innovation College UK, EICC pour permettre aux etudiants de continuer leurs etudes à Cambridge.
- Elle a également signé une convention avec l'Institut Polytechnique Saint Louis France permettant aux étudiants de continuer leurs etudes en France a IPSL.

MIT In The DRC. Cooperation And Democratization Of Higher Education. : Read more

Signature Of A New Agreement With ACADEMIA INTERNATIONAL : read more

MIT FONDATION continue de déployer un programme de partenariats d'excellence avec des institutions internationales de renom, notamment aux Etats-Unis

Aujourd'hui, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer un nouvel accord académique avec University of North Florida (UNF).

Date :22/07/2024.