Examination system :

Section1.The acquisition of knowledge by the students is assessed by a continuous assessment system and/or by a final exam organized in two successive sessions:

- The main session whose date for each subject is fixed at the beginning of the academic year by the director of the establishment after consulting the scientific council.

The exams for the main session and the remedial session are organized in the form of written tests.

A catch-up session must take place after the announcement of the results of the main session.

Continuous assessment includes, depending on the form of lessons specific to each subject, written and/or oral tests and, where applicable, practical tests and personal work.

The end-of-study project provided for in article 10 of the present regime is the subject of a report drawn up by the student who has followed it and defense before a jury.

Section 2.At each exam, the student must present himself with his student card or an identity document. No student may be admitted to the examination room fifteen minutes after the start of the test and may only leave after half the time allocated to the test. Any student who has read the exam subject must hand in his copy before leaving the room.

The examinations are organized following the regulations in force. Any fraud or attempted fraud leads to the exclusion of the student from the examination room and the appearance of the apprehended student(s) before the Disciplinary Board.

Any absence from one of the final examination tests is sanctioned by a zero mark. The student will have to retake the exam in a remedial session after consulting the class council.

Section 3. For each subject, an average is calculated resulting from the marks obtained in the various knowledge control tests. The weighting coefficients allocated to these tests are fixed according to the form of teaching specific to each subject as follows:

Type of TeachingExamContinuous controlPersonalized Note (oral)TP
Course without practical work50%30%20%-
Course with TP50%18%20%12%

Section 4.Is declared admitted in the higher year, by the class council, in the main session or remedial session, the student has satisfied the following condition:

obtaining an average equal to or greater than 10/20.

The calculation of the average takes into account the fixed weighting coefficients. The general average is obtained from the averages of the subjects weighted by their respective fixed coefficients.

Internships and the end-of-study project (PFE) are counted in the third year.

The ranking of the students is established according to the general averages of the main session. Admission to the main or remedial session is indicated on each student's transcript.

Section 5..In addition to the provisions provided for in article 4, the student who has not been declared admitted to the main session is authorized to sit, exclusively in the remedial session, the final examinations for the subjects in which he has obtained an average less than 10/20.

However, the adjourned student who has satisfied the condition of article 4, will have to resit, in the remedial session, exclusively, the modules where he obtained an average of less than 10/20.

Modules that are organized exclusively in the form of a mini-project, practical work, and/or tutorials cannot be retaken. At the end of the remedial session, the general average for the year of study is calculated under the same conditions provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of this system, taking into account the difference between (main session average, main examination mark, examination mark catch-up, average catch-up session).

Section 6.Repetition is authorized only once during schooling. In the event of repetition, the student can keep, at his request at the beginning of the repetition year, the benefit of the modules whose average is greater than or equal to 10/20. For retaken modules, the repeating student is subject to all the clauses of this study and the examination system.

Section 7.Each of the internships under this scheme is the subject of a report drawn up by the student who attended it. The internship is evaluated by a jury whose composition is set by the director of the school, after consultation with the director of the department concerned. Any internship declared not to be validated by the jury requires a replacement internship carried out and evaluated under the same conditions.

Section 8.The end-of-study project under this scheme is defended before the jury appointed by the director of the establishment on the proposal of the council of the department concerned. The jury is made up of at least three (3) people, including the teacher-researcher responsible for the end-of-studies project.

Only students who have passed the third year exams and who have obtained the validation of the engineering cycle modules are authorized to support the end-of-studies project..

Section 9.The national engineering degree is awarded to third-year students who have met the following conditions:
- Successfully passed the third year examse
- Have completed all required internships
- Have validated the end-of-studies project.

Section 10.The student who has not obtained the validation of the internships or who has not successfully defended the end-of-studies project may benefit for this purpose from a single extension of schooling of up to six months, failing which he will be considered repeating if he has not exhausted his registration fee.
