The purpose of this procedure is to guarantee the smooth running of the exams by ensuring the necessary transparency and control in the running of the exams at POLYTECHNIQUE level until the grades are communicated. This procedure applies:
- Preparations and progress of supervised homework during the week blocked in the middle of the semester
- Preparations and running of the end of semester
- The delivery of grades by teachers
- Communication of grades to students
Composting: operation by which the header of the exam paper is detached / DS: Supervised homework
The standard documents and forms required for the application of this procedure are as follows:
- Schedule of exams: schedule containing the progress of exams in the blocked week for each class per session
- Regulations for the conduct of instructional exams
- Subject delivery notebook
- Copy withdrawal book
- Handover book for corrected copies
- Score sheet
- Direction of studies
- Examination service manager
- Sealing/unsealing operator
- Notes entry operator
- Management Committee
- IT service manager
- General secretary
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